Chopsticks culture and history
History of chopsticks

History and transition of chopsticks and food culture

  • Paleolithic

    ~ BC
    Around 14000
    • -Overturning the dogma that humans did not live in the Japanese archipelago before the pottery era, it is proved that the Paleolithic era also existed in Japan. (Iwajuku Museum, Midori City, Gunma Prefecture)
    • ・ The pottery was not used.
  • Jomon Period

    14000 BC ~
    3rd century BC
    8000 years
    • ・ Organic relics, plant relics, seafood, lacquer products, etc. were excavated from the shell mound (Torihama, Fukui Prefecture) from 12,000 years ago to 5,500 years ago (from the Jomon creation period to the early Jomon period). Appraisal results of evidence of boiled fish and shellfish from earthenware are obtained.
    • ・ Excavation of cultivated plants in the middle of Jomon, obsidian, amber, lacquer ware, jade pearls, hares and flying squirrel meat. (Sannai Maruyama Site, Aomori Prefecture)
    660 BC
    • ・ The beginning of the Japanese imperial year (Emperor Jimmu). Chopsticks for sacred treasures and broken chopsticks (chopsticks for rituals).
    • ・ Food was served in a container with lacquer on a bamboo basket.
  • Yayoi Period

    3rd century BC (300-201 BC)
    3rd century (300 years)
    500-600 years

    146-189 / Himiko becomes a queen and moves to Yamatai.

    239 / Himiko dispatches a messenger to Wei's emperor.

    • ・ A wide variety of life-related tools such as wooden spoon farming tools, weaving tools, daily life tools, bronze, and jewelry have been excavated. (Toro Remains, Shizuoka Prefecture)
    • ・ Shinsen dishes of rice and fish. (From the Yayoi period to the Asuka period / historical materials unknown)
    • ・ Rice production such as red rice begins.
    • ・ Use chopsticks and spoons in the upper class of Wakoku, which had diplomatic relations with Later Han (guess).
      (Wakoku is described as home-cooked in Chinese literature.)
    • ・ Put leaves on the pottery and serve food.
    • ・ From the myths of picking up chopsticks (flow), floating chopsticks, and tombs of chopsticks, it can be seen that chopsticks were used as sacred vessels to worship the gods in rituals and ceremonies from the Yayoi period to the ancient burial mounds and played an important role.
  • Kofun period

    • ・ Serve on a table on which tableware (high cup etc.) for each purpose is placed. (Prototype of set)

    285 / Chinese characters are transmitted from China.

    350 / Yamato court unifies the country. Kofun culture is thriving.

    538 / Buddhism is transmitted from Baekje (there is a theory in 552).

  • 593 / Prince Shotoku becomes the regent of Empress Suiko (the first empress in Japan).

    607 / Sui Ono sent to Sui, China.

    608 / Two stick-shaped chopsticks are used (chopstick food system announced).
    Use double-ended chopsticks and single-ended chopsticks that are cut from hinoki, cedar, and Mizuki wood.

    • ・ Excavated cypress chopsticks. (Asuka Itabuki Palace Ruins)

    645 / Taika Reform

    • ・ The country name changes from "Wa" to "Japan".

    694 / Excavated cypress chopsticks. (Fujiwara Palace Ruins)

    701 / Wadokaichin issued (Japan's first currency).

  • Nara period

    • ・ Daegu cuisine (Nara-mid-Heian period) Cook = "Knife".
    • ・ Place food (Takashi) on the legged dining table "pedestal".

    710 / Moved the capital to Heijokyo.

    • ・ Hinoki chopsticks and tableware were excavated. (Heijokyo Ruins)
    • ・ The chopsticks used for the festival held in the imperial court were made of clean wood and celebrated separately from the daily chopsticks. (Prototype of congratulatory chopsticks)

    712 / Kojiki is compiled (Hen-san). (Chopsticks picking myth) (Chopsticks floating myth, Emperor Chuai) Description.

    713 / Fudoki compilation begins.

    720 / Nihon Shoki is completed. (Hashihaka Kofun myth) Description.

    756 / Hinoki chopsticks and tableware are stored in Shosoin.

    • ・ Wooden bowls are specially made by Kijiya.

    759 / Manyoshu is completed. (The word "chopsticks go" appears in the song)

  • Heian period

    794 to 1185

    794 / Moved the capital to Heiankyo.

    Early Heian period / Aristocratic society eats silver chopsticks and wooden chopsticks properly.
    (Painted in the pillow grass, the story of Genji, and the Engi ceremony)

    • ・ Chopstick stands and horse headboards were used for the meals of the bereaved family.

    Early Heian period / Common people eat with bamboo or wooden chopsticks and wooden bowls.

    • -Lacquer is applied to the wooden bowl (black on the outside and vermilion on the inside).

    804 / Saicho and Kukai cross over to Tang.

    805 / Saicho (Denshi Daishi) returns to Japan and builds the Tendai sect, Hieizan Enryakuji Temple.

    806 / Kukai (Kobo Daishi) returns to Japan and builds the Shingon sect, Koyasan Kongobuji Temple.

    • ・ Kobo Daishi opens Hashikura Temple in Hashikurasan in response to the announcement of Kompira Daigongen.

    995 / Around this time, the pillow grass was written.

    1010 / Genji Monogatari is written.

    • ・ The lady-in-waiting in the palace made a bag to put chopsticks in the end cloth of the kimono. (Beginning of chopstick bag)

    1150 / In the latter half of the Heian period, the set became popular. Only chopsticks are arranged in each set, and there is no gap between aristocrats and ordinary people, and all can be eaten with only two chopsticks. (By Shigisan Engi Emaki)

    • ・ Meal etiquette in the Heian period is described in "Hygiene Secrets".
      It is polite not to talk while eating, as it says, "Eating bad words, linguistic eaters have chest back pain" (do not talk at the table, eat while talking and suffer from chest and back pain) There is a custom to do.
    • ・ Buddhist cuisine develops from the end of the Heian period.
  • Kamakura Period


    1191 / Eisai returns from the sect. Communicate the Rinzai sect.

    1192 / Minamoto no Yoritomo becomes Shogun and opens the Kamakura Shogunate

    1227 / Dogen returns from the sect and tells the Soto sect

    • ・ Many Zen Buddhisms spread by Eisai and Dogen are devoted to shoguns and daimyo, and vegetarian cuisine, which is a part of their spiritual training, spreads from temples to the general public.

    1237 / Dogen Zenshi leaves behind the "Lessons of the Noriza" and "The porridge rice method".
    He said to those who are involved in food and those who eat, that food is an extremely everyday "thing" and "place", but it is also a place where the body and mind can be nurtured for human existence. (Basics of current disliked chopsticks)
    ① Do not bring your mouth close to the bowl when you get rice ② Do not make a noise when picking up the bowl, handling a spoon or chopsticks ③ Do not put a lot of rice in your mouth at once

    • ・ There will be no pedestal or high cup, and you will need to fold and squeeze a set for one person.
    • ・ Chopsticks will be attached to the table, and chopsticks will be counted as one set and two sets.
    • ・ Chopsticks and rice bowls belong to individuals who eat with them.
    • ・ Along with the development of the set culture, the culture with vessels also developed and became etiquette.
    • ・ The spirituality of food and philosophical considerations are added.
    • ・ The priest of Kishu Negoroji devised Negoro Nuri.
  • Muromachi Period

    1336 to 1603

    1336 / Yoshinosugi chopsticks presented to Emperor Go-Daigo

    1392 / By the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, vegetarian cuisine will be introduced in a full-fledged cooking style that combines ceremonial elements of vegetarian cuisine and technical elements of vegetarian cuisine.

    • ・ The basics of Japanese cuisine are established by Honzen-ryori.
    • ・ Skipjack kelp is used for soup stock.
    • ・ Chopsticks paper (wrapping chopsticks with a blank sheet of paper like a memorial service or wiping the edges of the cup) is used. (Prototype of paper bag for bare wood chopsticks and disposable chopsticks)
    • ・ Lacquered utensils are made at Jurenji Temple in Wajima during the Oei era. (Basics of Wajima lacquer)

    1442 / Yoshimasa Ashikaga (Shogun Yashiro) makes mechanically strong chopsticks using willow trees with double-ended chopsticks.

    1450 / Nogaku and Kyogen flourish, tea ceremony, flower arrangement, and renga are popular

    1550 / True fish chopsticks and vegetable chopsticks are used. (It is drawn in the picture scroll of "Sake Rice Theory")

    1573 / In the Azuchi-Momoyama era, ceremonial dishes such as "prepared, gorgeous, cold, stubborn ..." Introducing kaiseki (tea banquet) dishes that pay attention to the seasons, colors, and vessels. (The word kaiseki is attached to posterity)

    • ・ Chinese-style tabletop dishes that you can freely take and eat your favorite dishes on the table are transmitted to Nagasaki.
  • Edo Period


    1603 / Ieyasu Tokugawa becomes Shogun and opens the Edo Shogunate

    1613 / Christian ban. The identification system of the occupation of the occupation.

    • ・ Kaiseki cuisine that incorporates banquets will appear.
    • ・ Place a lacquer magistrate (manage, scrutinize, and distribute lacquer).

    1643-1830 / With the encouragement and recommendation of the feudal lord, lacquer ware production areas can be established in various parts of Japan.

    • ・ Before the middle of the Edo period, wooden bowls and lacquer bowls were the mainstream.
    • ・ The lacquer ware industry has developed rapidly with the idea of a "wet bath" that dries lacquer.
    • ・ Lacquer is also applied to chopsticks so that even townspeople can get them.

    1680-1707 / The culture of this time is called Genroku culture.
    Genroku Ako Incident – Chushingura.
    Matsuo Basho's haiku and travelogue "Oku no Hosomichi" can be created.
    Chikamatsu Monzaemon's Ningyo Joruri "Sonezaki Shinchu" can be made.

    1730 / Ceramic tableware becomes widespread

    1783 / Split chopsticks and tear chopsticks are used. (Described in Manjo Kyoka Collection)

    1787-1837 / The culture of this time is said to be Kasei culture. Katsushika Hokusai), Oraga Haru (Kobayashi Issa), Kaitai Shinsho (Ran Gaku – Sugita Genpaku), Kojikiden (Kokugaku – Motoi Nobunaga), Yosakubumura, etc.

    1827 / Two chopsticks of Yoshino cedar are made

    1837 / [Kitagawa Morisada] The book states, "In San to, the chopsticks are split up to the middle of the cedar horn chopsticks. They are torn when eaten."

    1843 / [Sadajo miscellaneous notes] describes the manners of eating and how to use chopsticks.

    • ・ Reflecting the feudal system in Japan, the inscriptions based on social status and family status will become widespread. (The common people are Hakozen and Sowazen, and the paint is poor lacquer and persimmon astringency)

    1867/15th Shogun Yoshinobu Tokugawa returns the administration to Emperor Meiji (Taisei Hokan).

    • ・ Machiya eats only miso soup every day in the morning, eats if the fish is cheap in the daytime, and pickles only in the evening. (Listed in the 100 views of the end of the Edo period). White rice was a fairly luxurious food.
  • Meiji period


    First year of the Meiji era / The Meiji government and the former shogunate (clan) fight in various parts of Japan. (Boshin War)

    • ・ Give up Edo Castle to the Meiji government. Renamed Edo to Tokyo.

    1869 / End of the Boshin War

    1871 / Abolition of the feudal clan (integrated into 3 prefectures and 72 prefectures)

    1873 / Abolition of the lunar calendar (in the Christian era)

    • ・ Beef is eaten from nourishing tonic. (Beef pot (current source of sukiyaki))
    • ・ "Anpan" from Ginza Kimuraya was presented to Emperor Meiji on April 4th.
    • ・ Popular with the general public. April 4th, "Anpan Day".
    • ・ Western cuisine and chair / table styles spread in the imperial and aristocratic societies. It has been popularized with the general public since the middle of the Meiji era.
    • ・ Rice, miso soup, pickles in the morning. Pickles and Ochazuke at noon. At night, rice, miso soup, simmered vegetables, pickles.

    1877 / Chabudai appears. (The beginning of the culture of surrounding the dining table)

    • ・ Invented oval-shaped disposable chopsticks and chopsticks.

    1887 / Abolished the set and started using the dining table.

    1894 / Painted chopsticks spread nationwide.

    1987 / Chopsticks merchant spreads disposable chopsticks nationwide.

    • ・ Invented Genroku-type disposable chopsticks (chopsticks with grooves in the oval type).

    1889 / School lunch for poor children begins. (Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture)

    1903 / Encourage the culture surrounding the family-friendly dining table as a "new flavor of the family".

    1907 / Invented Rikyu disposable chopsticks.

  • Taisho era


    1914 / Participation in Japan where the First World War occurs.

    1917 / Invented Tenkare split chopsticks

    1920 / Joined the League of Nations. Become a permanent member of the Security Council.

    1923 / Great Kanto Earthquake.

    • ・ The influx of Western food culture in the Meiji era is arranged in the Japanese style and becomes a common food. Rice curry, croquette, pork cutlet (three major meals of the Taisho era).
    • ・ Cabbage, onions, tomatoes, carrots, etc. have come to be commonly used and cultivated.
    • ・ Cafes and milk halls will be built all over the country.
    • ・ Confectionery is becoming more westernized. (Ice cream, ramune, chocolate, candy)
    • ・ The variety of meals will increase.
  • Showa Era


    1927 / Chabudai spreads nationwide. (Western Japan / Shippokudai, Eastern Japan / Iidai)

    1931 / Manchurian Incident occurs

    1939 / World War II begins.

    1945 / Potsdam Declaration commissioned. Unconditional surrender. Allied forces occupy Japan (Marshal MacArthur governs).

    1947 (Showa 22) / Full-scale start of school lunch.

    1950 / Income Doubling Plan established.

    1952 / School meals for bread and milk spread nationwide.

    1960 / Chair-type dining tables began to spread, and the number of table stands decreased.

    1964 / Tokyo Olympics held.

    1970 / Osaka World Exposition held.

    1970 / Introducing a spork.

    1975 / Chopsticks Day (August 4) established. Akasaka Hie Shrine Chopsticks Thanksgiving begins.

    1976 / Introduced for rice lunch.

    1977 / Discontinuation of spork. (The first school to use chopsticks is Tokyo Fukasawa Elementary School)
    Disposable chopsticks are provided as a countermeasure, but 50,000 pairs of disposable chopsticks are thrown away annually. Therefore, it was changed to bring my own chopsticks, but it was canceled due to lack of cooperation from the family in terms of hygiene.

    1978 / The chopsticks industry in Obama City, Fukui Prefecture, grows rapidly, and the production volume becomes the highest in Japan.

  • Heisei


    1997 / Reduced to 45.1% for schools using spork.

    2002 / The media coverage of the dangers of split chopsticks has increased sharply.

    2003 / The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare notified that "strengthening monitoring of disposable chopsticks" was detected by detecting mold and bleach from disposable chopsticks.

    2005 / Enactment of Food Education Basic Law

    2006 / Chinese-made split chopsticks soared with a 50% price increase. My chopsticks movement rekindled. Eco-resin chopsticks spread rapidly in the food and beverage industry

    2008 / Declaration of establishment of International Chopsticks Day (November 11). (International Chopsticks Culture Research Institute)

    • ・ For the first time in Japan, define the correct way to hold chopsticks (shape). (Japan Chopsticks Culture Association)

    2013 / Japanese food intangible cultural heritage registration

    2017 / Determine the basis for defining the correct way to hold chopsticks (shape). (NPO International Chopsticks Culture Association)

Etymology of chopsticks

It is a "combination of the two words" ha "and" shi "in the Wago language *."

The meaning of "ha" in the Yamato word-both ends of the object, the boundary between the object and the object Example) Nose, teeth, flowers, leaves, bridges, edges , Still, etc. Example) Put your index finger on your mouth and say "shhh", then stop and do not move.

The theory is that these two words are combined to "connect things together."
"Chopsticks" are things that "connect your own life with other lives." "Hashi (bridge)" is something that "connects the other side and this side".
"Hashira (pillar)" connects the world and the sky. " "End", "ladder", "floor", etc. are considered to have the same etymology.

(Theory by Arisumi Mitamura / Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts.
Councilor of Japan Fine Arts Exhibition, Councilor of Japan Contemporary Craft Artists Association. Vice President of Japan Lacquer Culture Research Institute. )

* What is Wago?
A unique word from ancient Japan.
It is also called "Japanese" for Chinese words other than Chinese and foreign words, especially Chinese words. While the Chinese word is "sound," the Yamato word is "kun."
Example) Mimi, one, two, see It is a spoken word that the Japanese had before the introduction of Chinese from China, and it is thought that each of the short vowels has a meaning.

* There are various other theories.

● From the "bridge" that connects humans and food
-Literally, chopsticks are a "bridge" that connects people and food.
● From the "pillar" where the lives of God and people dwell
-In the old days, it was said that the "pillar" contained the souls of God and people.
Chopsticks are two pillars. It was said that the soul of the person who used it dwells there.
● From the "beak" that moves dexterously like a bird's beak
-The way a person uses chopsticks is like a bird dexterously pecking food with a beak.
● From the "end" where the edges face each other
-The original shape of chopsticks is a tweezers type "folded chopsticks" made by folding a single bamboo in half.
Hold things between the ends of the chopsticks. Origami chopsticks are still used in Shinto rituals.

How to count chopsticks

A pair of chopsticks is counted as one pair.

【 Meal 】
Radical: moon (meat)
Onyomi: zen Kunyomi: sonaeru [Meaning 1] A table for placing food. "Meaning" "Serving food"
[Meaning 2] A selection of food. "Zenbu" "Gozen"
[Meaning 3] Sonaeru (to offer) [Meaning 4] A word used to count rice served on a dish or a pair of chopsticks.

Moon (nikzuki)...used to represent the organs of the body.
The character "tsuki" (moon), which is often used in kanji to represent bodily organs such as the arm, brain, intestine, and skin, is a different character from the "tsuki" (moon) because it is a transformation of the pictograph "meat" (meat). It was originally a pictograph representing "tender meat."

Because "zen" contains the character for "moon," it is not a unit of measurement for inanimate objects such as "tools," but rather a unit of measurement for organs of the body or objects that perform similar functions. This shows how excellent the functionality of chopsticks is, and how skillfully Japanese people have used them.

Until the beginning of the Showa era, people ate with a tray placed in front of each person. There is a theory that the practice of counting meals one by one comes from this.

Chopsticks proverbs

Japan is the country of chopsticks, and there are many proverbs related to chopsticks.

  • It doesn't touch chopsticks or sticks

    It's hard to handle because it can't be touched.

  • Chopsticks and the Lord should be thick

    Chopsticks should be thick and strong, and you can't rely on them unless your husband is also strong.

  • I can't eat the weak chopsticks and the weak man

    Chopsticks and the fact that a man cannot eat if he is weak, that is, he cannot live.

  • Raising and lowering chopsticks

    Even the boring things, such as the slight movement of the body, are noisy and whisper.

  • Don't choose chopsticks

    The parable of not worrying about methods or methods in order to achieve a certain purpose.

  • Beggar without chopsticks

    There is nothing at all.

  • Hit the chopsticks and hit the stick

    Disperse indiscriminately to people.

  • It's strange that the chopsticks fell

    A young girl often laughs at small things. A daughter aged 15 to 16 years.

  • Stab with stone mill chopsticks

    A parable that says something that cannot be done or cannot be done. Knead the body.

  • Do not carry anything heavier than chopsticks

    Born in a wealthy family, carefully raised and never worked.

  • Heavy items are chopsticks and bowls

    I've never had anything as heavy as chopsticks and bowls when eating. Good status to have someone else do anything.

  • Only chopsticks are hard

    Only chopsticks have ever taken or picked up something hard. Being cherished to the point of being overprotective and growing up in luxury.

  • A man is a man even if he puts his eyes on chopsticks

    Chopsticks and eyes and nose are words that describe a thin person, and that a man must be respected as a man regardless of whether he is thin or withered.

  • The man and chopsticks are good

    A man must be strong and honest.

  • Like chopsticks

    To squeeze is to put it in your mouth. Just like using chopsticks to put food in the infant's mouth, teach them carefully so that the other person can understand it well.

  • Rainbow beam on chopsticks

    A rainbow beam is a beam that warps upward like a rainbow. The chopsticks are thin and short, but the rainbow beams are thick and long, so there is an incomparable difference between the two.

  • Plant tobacco with chopsticks

    To transplant tobacco seedlings, it is better to be early unless there is a risk of frost damage, and it is better when it is small and you have to pinch it with chopsticks.

  • Take the chopsticks with the set

    It means that you should take the chopsticks after all the dishes are on the table, so don't be impatient and start when you are completely ready.

  • Take chopsticks

    Start eating. Start a banquet. To live. Sometimes used to mean starting work.

  • Put on chopsticks

    Start eating. I'm about to eat.

  • Rest chopsticks

    Rest while eating.

  • Start with chopsticks and end with chopsticks

    Chopsticks are the most important thing in the world of Japanese cooking, as it is said that in the world of martial arts, it begins and ends in gratitude.


  • Chopsticks culture and history Chopsticks practices Chopsticks culture and history Chopsticks practices
  • Chopsticks culture and history Chopsticks etiquette and taboo Chopsticks culture and history Chopsticks etiquette and taboo

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